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Mises Institute, Austrian Economics, Freedom, and Peace “The Mises Institute teaches the scholarship of Austrian economics, freedom, and peace. We seek a profound and radical shift in the intellectual climate: away from statism and toward a private property order. We encourage critical historical research, and stand against political correctness. The institute serves students, academics, business leaders, and anyone seeking better understanding of the Austrian school of economics and libertarian political theory.”

The Heritage Foundation, “The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. We believe the principles and ideas of the American Founding are worth conserving and renewing. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and principles. Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.” Heritage offers education charts

Cato “The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace. Its scholars and analysts conduct independent, nonpartisan research on a wide range of policy issues.” and

Centre for the Study of Market Reform of Education, “Whereas most sectors in society have gone through fundamental transformations in the past century, education provision is very much the same as it was a hundred years ago. We believe that the main problem in education is the lack of incentives to improve student performance. We also believe that the incentive structure cannot be fundamentally changed for the better without a move towards a more market-based education system that gives students and parents the freedom to choose the education that best suits them and their children, and providers’ autonomy to tailor their services in response to demand. There are various ways in which these goals could be advanced, and the Centre has no corporate position on the exact way forward. For example, it does not prescribe the specific regulatory framework, if any, that should accompany markets. Instead, the Centre seeks to stimulate debate from different perspectives on how we can produce a functioning education market that advances the goal of increasing overall quality in the system.”

James Wilson Institute, on Natural Rights and the American Founding, “In that remarkable era of the American Founding, lawyers of the caliber of James Wilson, Alexander Hamilton, and John Marshall sought to explain their judgments by drawing their readers back to those deep axioms of law, those principles of natural right, that underlay the Constitution. They taught, in that way, the principles that were there before the Constitution. The purpose of the new James Wilson Institute is to teach again the writings of these statesmen and jurists on natural right. Our deeper purpose, of course, is restore to students, of all ages, the furnishings of mind of those uncommon men who established and preserved this regime – and with the hope that a new generation, in the convulsions of our own day, will be able to preserve it once again.”

The Bill of Rights Institute, “Our goal is to help the next generation understand the freedom and opportunity the Constitution offers.”

The Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason Univ., “Our vision is for free speech, open inquiry, and intellectual diversity to flourish on college campuses; for all college students to have an opportunity to study and debate the ideas of a free society; and for a growing community of scholars to research and teach the principles and practice of freedom. We engage with students and professors around the country to encourage the study and advancement of freedom.” and

Christensen Institute “The Clayton Christensen Institute is a think tank dedicated to improving the world through disruptive innovation. With an initial focus on education and health care, the Christensen Institute is redefining the way policymakers, community leaders, and innovators address the problems of our day by distilling and promoting the transformational power of disruptive innovation.”

W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, “Today the Institute continues to fulfill Dr. Upjohn’s original mission of researching the causes and consequences of unemployment, experimenting with innovative ways to help the unemployed, and disseminating research findings. Its in-house staff of researchers, complemented by grants to outside experts, analyzes a host of policy-relevant employment issues.”

Committee For Economic Development, “Our Members have long urged the nation to view education as an investment, producing numerous policy ideas to structure education as a vital process from early childhood, through K-12, and to postsecondary education and beyond.”

Heterodox Academy, “We are a politically diverse group of social scientists, natural scientists, humanists, and other scholars who want to improve our academic disciplines and universities. We share a concern about a growing problem: the loss or lack of “viewpoint diversity.” When nearly everyone in a field shares the same political orientation, certain ideas become orthodoxy, dissent is discouraged, and errors can go unchallenged. To reverse this process, we have come together to advocate for a more intellectually diverse and heterodox academy.”

The Center for Secondary School Redesign (CSSR) “Empowering schools to move from traditional to transformational. At CSSR, our dedication to making a difference in education is based on the belief that all youth can achieve levels of competence in personal development, problem solving, communication, and social responsibility that will lead them to be well-adjusted, healthy, and productive adults. We are driven by our desire to be the voice of student-centered engagement and empowerment at the highest levels of policy and practice. We believe that too many decisions that impact learning and teaching are being made by those individuals who are furthest away from those who really make the biggest impact – teachers and students.”

Mercatus Center, George Mason Univ. “is the university source for market-oriented ideas – bridging the gap between academic ideas and real-world problems.”